NYC Girl is dedicated to providing valuable resources and information about perimenopause and menopause. Our mission is to empower women during this transformative phase of life by offering educational materials, e-books, and curated a collection of high-quality menopause products that can truly make the difference between merely surviving menopause and thriving through menopause. Join us on this journey and embrace the power of menopause.


NOW, Who is Lisa M. Carroll?

An ardent explorer of the human condition, Lisa M. Carroll is an author who transforms personal adversity into global advocacy. When Lisa's personal encounter with menopause revealed a stark void in accessible, empathetic resources for women, she rose to the challenge. Trading her Air Force uniform for a writer's quill, this retired Judge Advocate embarked on a mission to empower women through knowledge.

Lisa's decade-long journey through perimenopause imbues her writing with authenticity and deep understanding. She artfully weaves her experiences, not just as an author, but as a mother, partner, friend, and self-proclaimed goofball, creating a tapestry that resonates with women everywhere.

Equally at home in a courtroom, an Air Force base, or applying her perfect lipliner, Lisa is as multifaceted as the women she writes for. Through her candid exploration of menopause, Lisa seeks to embolden women to navigate this crucial life stage with confidence and camaraderie. For Lisa M. Carroll, the mission is clear: to ensure no woman faces menopause feeling isolated, unprepared, or misunderstood.

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